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... And Some of Those Started Here - GP!

It All Starts Here - SF ... And Some of It Started Here - GP!

Many of us may be tired of how San Francisco has become the butt of urban jokes since the pandemic. In response, you may have seen the civic pride campaign that various leaders recently launched called It All Starts Here SF (includes a video history highlights). The campaign highlights the foundational tenets of our city and notes how "San Francisco has a deep history of inclusion, innovation, tragedy and resilience and we always come back." From the ashes we always manage to rise like a phoenix.

You may have also noticed that many of our local storefronts are sporting the campaign logo in their windows. You can pick up free window signs, stickers, and pins through several organizations and small business throughout the city, including locally at Critter Fritters at 670 Chenery Street.

Of those things that started in San Francisco, some started right here in the Glen Park district! Click on the following links to learn more:  



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