News Archive, 2017 - 2015
Active, Event-Filled Summer Planned By the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project!
Glen Park Neighborhooods History Project
June 6, 2017
Summer 2017 will be an exciting time for the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project (GPNHP)! I'll describe these updates in more detail below.
First, we have two great events happening in the next two weeks. Learn more about these and other upcoming events at our Events page:
Please note that the Mt. Davidson History Walk scheduled for Saturday, June 10, is now full - thank you! We expect to offer this tour again in the Fall.
We are offering a NEW HISTORY WALK entitled West of Castro Street & the Upper Reaches of Glen Park on Sunday, June 11, 2017 from 10 am to 12:30 pm. We'll meet at George Christopher Playground, Diamond Heights Shopping Center; we'll finish near Diamond and Chenery Streets. Traversing the southern slopes of Gold Mine and Fairmount Hills down to Glen Park Village, we'll rediscover some of the histories of homesteading and milch ranching, women's suffrage, our local fire department, and other stories from the Glen Park of the past. RSVP to
San Francisco History Days 2017 at the Old Mint a Grand Success!
Glen Park Neighborhooods History Project
March 12, 2017
A total of 6,200 history enthusiasts attended San Francisco History Days on the weekend of March 4 and 5, 2017 to enjoy over 400 presenters (including Chair Evelyn Rose's presentation, The Monkey Ranch; Or, How a Forgotten Pleasuring Grounds Gave Glen Park Its Name), authors, volunteers, and exhibitors from 82 history-focused organizations from San Francisco and beyond. It's the only place where you can mingle with likes of Emperor Norton, performer Lola Montez, gold-mining 49ers, Buffalo Soldiers, and Mark Twain himself!
The table of the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project was staffed by the GPNHP Board of Directors (Evelyn, Amy O'Hair, Sharon Nadeau, Adrienne Lacau, and Alexandra Willson), as well as volunteers Michael Callahan and Paula Lichtenberg. It was quite busy throughout the weekend, with many visitors stopping to learn more about the histories of our region's neighborhoods they currently live in, grew up in, or where their ancestors once resided.
Also, on Friday, March 3, Chair Evelyn Rose and Vice-Chair and puppeteer Amy O'Hair staffed the GPNHP table for Education Day, attended by 170 students from private schools, San Francisco Unified School District schools, and home school classes. Children were able to interact for the first time with Glenda the Glen Canyon Cow, a bovine from one of Glen Canyon's former milch ranches, whose elephantine memory can recall many of our district's biggest events to share with the children!
A special treat was the display of the Bernal Cut between the tables of the GPNHP and our neighbors, the Bernal History Project, with a Southern Pacific train running through it! The display was beautifully crafted in a matter of days by railroad hobbyist John Kibre, a Bernal History Project member. Today, we know the Bernal Cut as San Jose Avenue between Randall Street and the onramp to Interstate 280. Our Lionel model train was 2-4-0, the same wheel configuration as the very first train that ran as the Southern Pacific's Monterey Line through the Bernal Cut. The Bernal Cut was originally carved out of the landscape between Fairmount and Bernal Hills in 1862-1863 by the San Francisco-San Jose Railway that would later become the Southern Pacific, after being briefly known as the Central Pacific.
All in all, it was a grand weekend! If you weren't able to attend this year, another San Francisco History Days is planned for 2018!

is ready for the arrival of history enthusiasts! Vice Chair Amy O'Hair, dressed as former Sunnyside resident and dairy woman Ellen Furey, stands at the ready just before the doors open.

San Francisco History Days 2017 at the Old Mint, ready for the students' arrival!

"engineered" by John Kibre of the Bernal History Project!

is ready for the arrival of history enthusiasts! Vice Chair Amy O'Hair, dressed as former Sunnyside resident and dairy woman Ellen Furey, stands at the ready just before the doors open.
The GPNHP Holiday Meeting and Social: The Perfect Event for Closing a Successful Year, With a Look Forward to an Event-Filled 2017!
Glen Park Neighborhooods History Project
January 2, 2017
Despite the deluge on Saturday, December 10, 2016, neighborhood historians, some in festive attire, made their way through ponds and wind to the historic Sunnyside Conservatory for the Special Holiday Meeting and Social of the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project. It was warm and cozy inside the Conservatory with plenty of delightful treats and beverages. We especially thank Anthea Stolz, Executive Director of the California Artisan Cheese Guild, for providing such a delicious assortment of California artisan cheeses!
Evelyn Rose, Chair of the GPNHP, kicked off the meeting with an overview of the Project's activities and accomplishments in 2016, and the activities and events anticipated for the New Year (learn more about our projects for 2017 on our Projects page, and upcoming meetings, tours, and special events on our Events page).
Next, Evelyn presented the unexpected connection between the ladies of the Glen Park Outdoor Art League and the free open air concert on Christmas Eve, 1910 by opera diva Luisa Tetrazzini at Lotta's Fountain, Market, Kearny, and Third Streets. The event was so successful, and the diva so loved by San Francisco, that the chef at the Palace Hotel created a recipe - Chicken (or Turkey) Tetrazzini - and a plaque to commemorate the event was placed on Lotta's Fountain - the oldest monument in San Francisco.
A question was raised during the meeting as to how the plaque came to be. Madame Tetrazzini was first presented with a golden plate bearing the seal of San Francisco in January 1911 in thanks for her performance. Then, in March 1912, discussion about placing a plaque on historic Lotta's Fountain began but encountered some disagreement. To resolve the matter, Mayor "Sunny Jim" Rolph sent a dispatch to Lotta Crabtree herself, who was then living in Boston. Her response: "I will feel honored to have Mme. Tetrazzini's name associated with mine - LOTTA." The bronze plaque, designed by Haig Patigian was placed on the fountain on March 24, 1912. It bears her likeness and is inscribed with: "To Remember Christmas Eve, 1910, when Luisa Tetrazzini Sang to the People of San Francisco on This Spot." The next time you visit Lotta's Fountain, be sure to stand back and look up to see the plaque near the top.
Next, GPNHP Vice Chair Sunnyside historian Amy O'Hair presented her latest research and notes on her new discoveries of William A. Merralls, the inventor and entrepreneur who built the Sunnyside Conservatory, and his wife, Temperance Laura. It seems that the two lived fascinating lives, full of inventiveness, entrepreneurship, and eclecticism. The love the two had for each other was beautifully described in a handwritten letter from William to Temperance, read aloud by Amy. The meeting concluded with a dramatic dialogue written by Amy entitled, "An Inventive Life: Temperance Laura Merralls." In performing the monologue, Sunnyside resident and actor Valerie Fachman succeeded in bringing Temperance to life as she shared her love for William and the passion for the life the two of them shared together. It was a marvelous performance!
The GPNHP had earlier received a generous deed of gift from a descendant of William Merralls that included the love letter, in addition to stock certificates for the "Merralls Safety Aeroplane Mfg. Co.," company letterhead for the "Merralls Stamp Mill Company" (a Merralls stamp mill can still be found in the silver mining town of Tonopah, Nevada), and a silver medal won by William at the California State Fair in 1892 for "Best Machine for Gold-Saving from Placer and Quartz," among other items.
We thank all of you for helping to making the second year of the GPNHP so successful! We look forward to sharing more discoveries and fun with you in 2017!
Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project Special Holiday Meeting and Social, December 10, 2016. Slide 1: Sunnyside Conservatory; Slide 2: Cheese provided by California Artisan Cheese Guild; Slide 3: Sunnyside Historian Amy O'Hair presenting the Merralls' history; Slide 4: Exhibit table, Merralls' artifiacts; Slide 5: William Merralls' California State Fair Silver Medal, 1896; Slide 6: William Merralls' Patent; Slides 7-9: Val Fachman as Temperance Laura Merralls during her performance of a dramatic dialogue written by Amy O'Hair.
Inaugural History Walk Through Diamond Heights Led by Architectural Historian Richard Brandi and Sponsored by the GPNHP a Great Success!
Glen Park Neighborhooods History Project
October 9, 2016
On October 8, a warm and clear Saturday occurring at the apex of San Francisco's Indian Summer, about 20 people gathered in Diamond Heights to enjoy a history walk sponsored by the Glen Park Neighborhoods' History Project and led by architectural historian Richard Brandi. Beginning at one of the oldest homes in Diamond Heights that escaped demolition, Mr. Brandi explained how Diamond Heights came to be, rising just south of Twin Peaks from the formerly barren hills of Red Rock, Gold Mine, and Fairmount. The group ambled through a neighborhood of streets named for sparkling gems ... Amethyst, Amber, Quartz, Turquoise, and Topaz ... following the theme of nearby Diamond Street originally established in the 1860s. Mr. Brandi described the history of San Francisco's most successful redevelopment project that kicked off in 1950 and officially ended in 1978, pointing out condominiums and homes constructed by important local mid-century architects, including Joseph Eichler and Ray F. Galli, among others, plus presenting the group with a couple of surprises along the way!
The GPNHP expresses our deep gratitude to Mr. Brandi, and we look forward to future walks through Diamond Heights in 2017!

Architectural historian Richard Brandi, (center in both images in the blue cap) shares his knowledge and insight of the history of Diamond Heights, San Francisco's most successful mid-century redevelopment project. Image on the left: in front of a home that was saved from demolition; photo on the front: standing in front of an Eichler home. Photos courtesy of Evelyn Rose.
GPNHP Collaborates with California Artisan Cheese Guild to Create Exhibit About Dairy History of San Francisco!
Glen Park Neighborhooods History Project
September 18, 2016
Much of the history throughout our region includes milch ranches, or dairy farms, that once supplied the new City of San Francisco with gallons and gallons of milk, once a favorite beverage of newly arrived pioneers. Some of the first milch ranches were found right here in our neighborhoods. San Francisco would remain the hub of the California dairy industry for over a century. That's why the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project was so excited to collaborate with Executive Director Anthea Stolz of the California Artisan Cheese Guild to develop an exhibit for the Guild's annual SF Cheese Fest 2016! Covering the history bovines residing in San Francisco from the time of the Spanish through the 1950s, the exhibit was hosted at the event by Sunnyside resident historian Amy O'Hair. Back in the day, cows ruled in San Francisco!

In the left image, Sunnyside historian Amy O'Hair discusses the exciting history of dairy in San Francisco. The exhibit appears in the image on the right. Photos courtesy of Miss Cheesmonger, California Artisan Cheese Guild.
The Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project to Receive the Walter G. Jebe, Sr. Neighborhood Award From the San Francisco History Project!
Glen Park Neighborhooods History Project
May 29, 2016
The GPNHP is very proud to announce that we are the 2016 recipient of the Walter G. Jebe, Sr. Neighborhood Award from the San Francisco History Association, "... presented each year to a person or organization for focusing on local neighborhood history or to an ongoing project to educate and enlighten the residents of an area of the city." This award is named after Mr. Jebe, who at one time was President Emeritus of the SFHA, and who believed very strongly in neighborhood history. He wrote the book San Francisco’s Excelsior District, published by Arcadia Publishing. Other 2016 awardees include The Emperor's Bridge Campaign - Ron Ross Founder’s Award; Max Kirkeberg - Dr. Albert Shumate Memorial Award; and Paul Madonna - Oscar Lewis Award.
Join us at the SFHA's 18th Annual Awards Dinner on Saturday, July 9. Learn more! Thanks to all of you for your interest and incredible support of our neighborhoods' histories!

Image on left: GPNHP Chair and Founder Evelyn Rose (center) and Vice Chair Amy O'Hair (right) accept the Walter G. Jebe , Sr. Neighborhood Award from Vicky Walker, Board Member, San Francisco History Association. Photo courtesy of John Blackburn, San Francisco History Association. Image on right: the Walter G. Jebe, Sr. Neighborhood Award presented to the GPNHP. Photo by Evelyn Rose.

A Stroll Through History on San Francisco's Tallest Peak!
Glen Park Neighborhooods History Project
April 5, 2016
It was a beautiful day this past Saturday, perfectly suited for an informative and enjoyable trek on Mt. Davidson, at 928 feet, the tallest peak in San Francisco. On a history walk sponsored by the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project (GPNHP), Mt. Davidson historian Jacquie Proctor, author of the Arcadia book San Francisco's West of Twin Peaks, delighted the group with the history of the mountain. Hikers learned about the legacy of tree planting on Mt. Davidson through efforts led by former Mayor Adolph Sutro, legal moves by a persistent realtor to revoke the will left to Sutro's heirs in order to develop the land, how a woman activist in the 1920s helped save the mountain forest from future development, and the story of the iconic cross visible throughout San Francisco.
You can learn more about Mt. Davidson at Ms. Proctor's website, Mt. Additional walks on Mt. Davidson may be sponsored by the GPNHP again in the future. Check our Events page for updated information.

Mt. Davidson historian Jacquie Proctor (center) shares the results of her years of research to document the history of Mt. Davidson, San Francisco's tallest peak. Photo courtesy of Evelyn Rose.
GPNHP Holds Its First Annual Meeting at the Sunnyside Conservatory!
Glen Park Neighborhooods History Project
March 1 2016
The Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project (GPNHP) held its first Annual Meeting on Saturday, February 20, 2016 at the beautiful Sunnyside Conservatory, a San Francisco Historic Landmark. Thank you to Sally Ross and the Friends of the Sunnyside Conservatory for sponsoring us during this meeting. Here’s a summary of the meeting, which was followed by a raffle and refreshments:
Amy O’Hair reported on her experience attending the Oral History Workshop presented by the Conference of California Historical Societies, which the GPNHP recently became a member of; Evelyn Rose updated her research of the Giant Dynamite Factory in Glen Canyon; and, Ken and Kathy Hoegger, both native San Franciscans and owners of Forum Realty, a fixture at 30 Monterey Blvd for many years, shared their story of how they worked for decades to save the Sunnyside Conservatory from demolition. The Hoeggers are life-long civic leaders, and founders of the Friends of Mt. Davidson Conservancy. They also partnered with Sunnyside Neighborhood Association to save both Dorothy Erskine Park and the Sunnyside Conservatory. We thank Ken and Kathy for their service to our community!
One of the first orders of business was to elect our first officers for the GPNHP. They are:
Evelyn Rose, Chair: Evelyn, a native of Florida, moved to San Francisco nearly 40 years ago and has been a resident of Glen Park and Diamond Heights for 25 years. She began researching local history after becoming a docent at Muir Woods National Monument in 2002. After hearing rumors about some of our long-forgotten San Francisco stories, her research led to the launch of her history blog, Tramps of San

Ken and Kathy Hoegger discussing the community effort to save the Sunnyside Conservatory for the enjoyment of future San Franciscans. Photo courtesy of Andrew Sherman.
Francisco, before founding the GPNHP in 2014.
Amy O’Hair, Vice-Chair: Amy is our resident historian of the Sunnyside. She move to San Francisco from southern California as a young adult and has been living in the Sunnyside since 1997. Once a writer of fiction, Amy now prefers the exciting real-life stories waiting to be discovered in our forgotten history. She has been researching our local history since 2013 and recently launched her own history blog,
Sharon Nadeau, Treasurer: Sharon is also a 25-year resident of Glen Park and Diamond Heights and is a native of Maine. She loves the rural and community feel of our neighborhoods, and enjoys having a wild space like Glen Canyon, with all its amazing history, in our region’s backyard.
Adrienne Lacau, Board Member-at-Large: A San Francisco native, Adrienne has been a resident of Congo Street in Glen Park since 1973. She is wonderfully supportive of the GPNHP and we are very happy to have her on the Board.
Alex Willson, Board Member-at-Large: A resident of San Francisco since 2000, Alex is a native of London, England and moved to Glen Park in 2013. She says she loves Glen Park because it reminds her of neighborhoods on the outskirts of London and is excited to learn more about our local history.
Congratulations to all! The all-important position of Secretary is still open. If you are interested in fulfilling this role, please email
We also approved amendments to our by-laws (view our by-laws in the attachment), and we approved dues: $15 annually, or $25 for two years. Those who pay dues before March 31, 2016 are considered charter members. Anyone who has already provided a contribution to the GPNHP in the last two years is also considered a charter member and will not be required to pay dues until 2017. Thank you!
Anyone can become a GPNHP member, no matter where you reside. Our meetings are always open to member and non-members alike. Benefits of being a member include access to members-only special programs, free access to neighborhood history walks, assistance with research of your home, and scanning of personal vintage images.
Dues and donations help support our activities, including meeting space and booth rentals, printing of handouts, posters, banners, website fees and maintenance, A/V support, refreshments, and membership in CCHS and instructional seminars.
Activities and projects for 2016 include continuing with history walks of our neighborhoods, documenting oral histories, having more invited speakers at our general meetings, continue with website updates at both and, and our contribution to newspaper columns in the Glen Park News and the Sunnyside Neighborhood Association News.
Thanks to everyone for your continued support! Our next meeting will be be held at the Glen Park Branch of the San Francisco Public Library on Saturday, April 23, 2016, 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm.
GPNHP Adds New Tour Offerings in Sunnyside and Mt. Davidson!
Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project
January 24, 2016
What a way to start the new year! The historic walking tours introduced by the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project just two months ago have proven to be extremely popular. Now, you have more tours to choose from!
Sunnyside resident historian Amy O'Hair has been on the hunt for our forgotten history. Now, in addition to her walking tour, Sunnyside History Walk - The Early Days, she is now offering a new tour entitled A Mid-Century Stroll Down Monterey Boulevard. Join Amy as she tells the stories of the typical bars, barbershops, markets, and other retail establishments local Sunnyside and Glen Park residents frequented in the mid-twentieth century.
The GPNHP is also very pleased to announce the addition of Mt. Davidson historian and City Guide leader Jacquie Proctor to our list of local GPNHP history tour leaders. Jacquie is a well-established historian and has written two books: San Francisco's West of Twin Peaks, and Bay Area Beauty: The Artistry of Harold G. Stoner, Architect. She also maintains a history blog located at Her tour, Mt. Davison History Stroll, will explore the history of San Francisco's highest peak.
To find out how to reserve your spot on these tours, or on the Glen Canyon tour led by Glen Park historian Evelyn Rose, or the Glen Park Neighborhood tour led by long-time resident and City Guide Dawn Murayama, visit our Events page.
New Glen Park and Sunnyside History Columns, and GPNHP Glen Canyon History Tour Featured in Glen Park News
Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project
January 13, 2016
One of the goals of the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project is to "Share Our Histories With Others." We work to meet this goal by giving presentations, writing articles, and leading tours.
In the Fall 2015 issue, GPNHP founder Evelyn Rose began contributing to a new column in the Glen Park News entitled (Hi)Stories of Our Neighborhoods. In each quarterly issue, she will reveal a new discovery regarding the amazing history of our neighborhoods. Check out the Winter 2016 issue (pg 5) about The Chenery Chute! Her Glen Canyon tour was also featured in an article by Glen Park News writer Murray Schneider entitled, Hot History on a Cold Day in Glen Park.
Sunnyside historian Amy O'Hair has also been busy with the posting of her research, sprinkled with wild tales of some of the personalities of Sunnyside's past. Check out her new history blog at Though not yet available online, Amy has also started publishing articles in the Sunnyside News of the Sunnyside Neighborhood Association.
Check out these articles and posts. You may be amazed by our remarklble history!
GPNHP Adds to Walking Tour Offerings in Glen Park and Glen Canyon!
Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project
November 30, 2015
Where were some of Glen Park's earliest corner groceries that used to dot our hilly terrain? What are the stories associated with some of our older residences? Where was the railway trestle along Diamond Street? What does the Nobel Peace Prize have to do with Glen Canyon? How could early visitors to the canyon view African lions and marching horses? And what in the world is an aeronaut? These and other many fascinating but mostly forgotten stories were shared with those who joined long-term Glen Park resident historian Dawn Murayama on the Glen Park History Walk, and Glen Canyon historian Evelyn Rose for Bovines, Dynamite, and High-Flying Shows during the weekend of November 14 and 15.
Adding to GPNHP's new Sunnyside History Walks led by Sunnyside resident historian Amy O'Hair, our tour offerings tell stories of the landscape once known as the Outsidelands, a place where few San Franciscans wished to visit. Comprised mostly of "milch ranches" (dairies), pig farms, and vegetable fields, the area south of Twin Peaks remained rural into the mid-20th century ... a remarkable story given that today, San Francisco is the second most dense city in terms of population in the United States.
To learn more about our amazing local history, visit the GPNHP's Events page and RSVP to any of the available upcoming tour offerings. Be sure to RSVP early, as tours fill up quickly. A minimum $5 donation is suggested to help support future GPNHP activities (not tax-deductable).
We hope to see you on our future tours!

GPNHP Kicks-Off Inaugural Neighborhood Walking Tour in the Sunnyside!
Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project
October 10, 2015
Today's foggy start was not a deterrent for the 24 adults, one young student, 2 babies, and six well-behaved dogs who converged at the Glen Park BART station at 11 am to enjoy the first-ever neighborhood history tour sponsored by the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project (GPNHP). The tour may also have been one of the first tours to ever focus on the Sunnyside District, or at least the first in many years.
Sunnyside historian Amy O'Hair led the group on an easy to moderate walk along streets through the neighborhood, moving from the BART station along Monterey, Circular, Flood, Detroit, Hearst and Joost to view the sites and learn more the Sunnyside's forgotten past. Based on her personal research, Amy provided a wealth of information about the Power House for Behrend Joost's San Francisco-San Mateo Electric Railway, the first Sunnyside school house, long forgotten businesses and corner storefronts, the creek that used to flow right through the middle of the neighborhood, three long-term Sunnyside families and the homes they lived in, and the beautiful Sunnyside Conservatory, a San Francisco Designated Landmark. Everyone enjoyed both a stroll through the neighborhood and Amy's in-depth knowledge about the Sunnyside!
A walking tour of the Sunnyside appears to be long overdue, as this inaugural tour filled up within just a couple of days. The next scheduled Sunnyside tour on December 5 is also full. But, fear not, Neighborhood Historians! Not only will Amy be leading additional Sunnyside tours in 2016, Glen Park historian Evelyn Rose will be leading GPNHP's first tour in Glen Canyon on Saturday, November 14, and again on various dates in 2016.
For more information about upcoming tours, visit the GPNHP Events page to learn how to reserve your space!
GPNHP Adopts First By-Laws, Starts a New History Column in Glen Park News, and Changes Name
Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project
August 15, 2015
With nearly a year of activity under our belt, the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project (GPNHP) took a big step forward by drafting our first by-laws and having them approved by interested members. The by-laws will help set the stage for establishing an administrative body for the GPNHP that can guide us in the definition of future projects and directions for the project. You can view the by-laws by clicking on the pdf symbol at the end of this article. As noted in the by-laws, the leadership of GPNHP will be formalized at our first annual meeting in February 2016. More details to come.
In the Fall issue of the Glen Park News, be sure to read our first column in a continuing series about the history of Glen Park and the surrounding neighborhoods. The first article is an introduction to our group, and future columns will reveal some of the amazing history our local neighborhood historians are continuing to discover.
Lastly, it was brought to our attention that the name "Glen Park Neighborhood History Project" may not clearly identify the group as representing Glen Park plus Glen Canyon Park, the Sunnyside District, Fairmount Tract, and Diamond Heights. After some discussion at a planning session for our August 2015 meeting, we have changed the name in a way we hope corrects the misimpression by making "Neighborhood" plural. We hope this is an adequate and easy solution for identifying the GPNHP as representing not only Glen Park, but the neighborhoods immediately surrounding Glen Park.
Be sure to check out our Events page for new tours being offered by the GPNHP, and the exciting meeting we have planned for October 24, 2015
Become a Neighborhood Historian! Announcing GPNHP's Adopt-A-Topic!
Glen Park Neighborhood History Project
April 11, 2015
The primary mission of the Glen Park Neighborhood History Project (GPNHP) is to rediscover our forgotten history, document our living history, and share our history with others. Quite a few resources that help broadcast the histories of our neighborhoods – Glen Park, Glen Canyon, Sunnyside, Fairmount Tract, and Diamond Heights – already exist in the public domain, both in print and on the Web. Check our Resources section for more information.
Sadly, much of our neighborhood history and many personal stories have either been lost or forgotten with the passing of each generation. To find them once again will truly “take a village.”
That’s why the GPNHP is announcing Adopt-A-Topic! If you are a resident of Glen Park, Sunnyside, Fairmount Tract, or Diamond Heights, we encourage you to become a neighborhood historian! Help us rediscover, document, and share our history by identifying a topic, researching the subject, and write an article for posting on Glen Park Neighborhood History Project website!
Whether you are young or one of life’s seasoned veterans; a classroom at one of our schools or an individual; a long-term resident, a recent arrival, or just plain interested, even if you don’t live in Glen Park, Sunnyside, Fairmount Tract, or Diamond Heights, we want to hear from you! Our neighborhoods have a robust history that needs to be rediscovered and told!
Learn more about Adopt-A-Topic! Volunteer to help with this important project!
Glen Park Neighborhood History Project Partners With Diamond Heights Blvd. Median Project
Glen Park Neighborhood History Project
March 7, 2015
As gateways to our communities, street medians not only help provide initial impressions of the character of our neighborhoods, but also our passion for maintaining them. Sadly, many of our medians have lacked care and oversight, leading to dead and dying foliage and an overgrowth of weeds.
The median along Diamond Heights Boulevard between Duncan Street and Berkeley Way, about 0.6 miles in length, has been languishing for years. That's why some Diamond Heights residents applied for and won the 2015 Community Challenge Grant from the City of San Francisco! These funds will be used to remove existing foliage, remediate soil, design a new landscape, and plant drought-resistant plants. You can read more about the project at Diamond Heights Blvd. Median Project.
To help promote the greening project, the Glen Park Neighborhood History Project is partnering with the Diamond Heights Blvd. Median Project to develop a display of historic images of Diamond Heights during the summer of 2015. Check back soon to learn more about dates and locations.
Glen Park Neighborhood History Project Table at 5th Annual San Francisco History Expo a Roaring Success!
Glen Park Neighborhood History Project
March 1, 2015
During the last weekend of February, thousands of history enthusiasts gathered to explore and celebrate the history of San Francisco during the 5th Annual San Francisco History Expo at the Old Mint. The Expo allowed attendees to not only tour the Old Mint, a survivor of the 1906 earthquake and National Historic Landmark, but also enjoy interactions with nearly 60 local and neighborhood history organizations and experience an immersive experience. Live history re-enactors in period costumes from the eras of the Gold Rush and Barbary Coast mingled with visitors, and many had a chance to chat with the likes of Emperor Norton or Lotta Crabtree! Representatives from the San Francisco National Maritime Historical Park sang merry chanteys about San Francisco back in the day when it was an infamous port city.
The SF History Expo was the first time the Glen Park Neighborhood History Project had a booth at an event. We were very pleased and excited with the amount of traffic we received both days - essentially non-stop talking about our local history with residents and former residents of our neighborhoods!
Thanks to all of those who attended and dropped by our booth!
Vintage Glen Park Newspaper Digitization Project Complete!
Glen Park Neighborhood History Project
February 5, 2015
The Glen Park Neighborhood History Project is pleased to announce that all known paper editions of the series of newspapers published by the Glen Park Association since 1978, including the Glen Park Newspaper, Glen Park Perspective, and Glen Park News (prior to Winter 2008/2009) have been digitized and are now available online.
We thank Michael Rice, President of the Glen Park Association, Elizabeth Weise, Glen Park Association Online News Editor, and the Glen Park Branch of the San Francisco Public Library for providing the paper copies for scanning. We also thank many local residents who volunteered their time one Saturday afternoon last fall to review the paper editions and transcribe the all-important key words. Known as meta tags, these specific terms would become associated with each edition to help enable search results once posted at We appreciate the efforts of Mike Daly, another neighborhood resident, who volunteered many hours of his time to digitize the papers using the large scanner at the Internet Archive offices in the Richmond District. Lastly, we thank LisaRuth Elliott of for guiding us through the process and coordinating digitization of all vintage neighborhood newspapers across the City.
Read more about the digitization project. Access the Glen Park newspapers and other neighborhood collections.
Volunteer to help Ms. Elliott and complete the city-wide project.
Author of Upcoming Book, San Francisco Relocated, Greeted With Large Attendance in Glen Park
Glen Park Neighborhood History Project
January 10, 2015
The history of moving homes and other structures in and about San Francisco is a topic that has never been fully revealed. Now, because of new research by author Diane Donovan, it’s about to become a hot topic. Her first book, San Francisco Relocated, is scheduled for publication by Arcadia Books in the fall of 2015.
The Glen Park Neighborhood History Project (GPNHP) was delighted to have Ms. Donovan as our first invited speaker on Saturday, January 10, and she certainly did not disappoint. With more than 40 in attendance at the Glen Park Branch of the San Francisco Public Library, Ms. Donovan shared some of the results of her extensive research, including more than a few mind-blowing images of houses and structures of all sizes trundling about San Francisco over the past 150 years. Many in the audience commented that some of her images had never been seen before, a testament to her diligent research efforts.
Many guests shared stories about their knowledge or personal experiences with house moving. Steve Lawton, a city planning and redevelopment expert from Contra Costa County, shared his story. His own home and several others were once employee residences owned by the Hercules Powder Company. [Historic Note: As makers of dynamite and other explosives, Hercules Powder was a direct competitor of Glen Canyon’s Giant Powder Company in the late 1800s and early 1900s.] Mr. Lawton recounted how the homes were relocated in the 1970s to establish a historic residential community in the City of Hercules. Evelyn Rose, organizer of the GPNHP, described her own home’s move from Sunnyside to Glen Park, as had been told to her by the couple who moved the house in 1960. The house had been offered in an auction after being condemned under eminent domain for the construction of Interstate 280.
We look forward to Ms. Donovan’s return for another presentation after the publication of San Francisco Relocated later this year. In the meantime, the GPNHP will continue searching for more stories of house moving in Glen Park, Sunnyside, Fairmount Tract, and Diamond Heights.
Have a house-moving story to share that you would like to document for posterity? Have pictures of structures being moved from one place to another? Want to learn how to research the history of your home? Learn more about how you can help preserve our neighborhoods’ house-moving history!