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Diamond Heights Resources

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A Product of "Arrested Development": History of Diamond Heights


  1. San Francisco Redevelopment Agency in Consultation with the Department of City Planning. A Report to the Board of Supervisors: Redevelopment in Diamond Heights. March 1950. Available at

  2. Glen Park in the Forties. Glen Park Perspective. September 1974. Available at

  3. Kuwack R. History of Miraloma Park. Miraloma Park Improvement Club. April 2005. Available at

  4. Tufts University. San Francisco 1905 (Burnham Plan). Available at Tufts University

  5. Kamiya, G. Quarrymen hit few obstacles to blowing up hills around S.F. San Francisco Chronicle. February 22, 2014. Available at

  6. Crocker-Langley San Francisco City Directory, 1948-1949. R.L. Polk and Co.: San Francisco, CA. Available at

  7. San Francisco Redevelopment Agency Annual Report, 1963. Available at

  8. Grunsfeld III, EA. Step-Down Apartment Units in Diamond Heights – San Francisco, California. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Bachelor of Architecture degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 16, 1952. Available at DSpace@MIT.

  9. Brandi R. San Francisco’s Diamond Heights: urban renewal and the modernist city. J Planning Hist. 2013;12:133-153.

  10. San Francisco Planning and Urban Renewal Association (SPUR). Fifty Years of Redevelopment. March 1999. Available at

  11. Architectural Program Statement. Diamond Heights, Red Rock Hill Competition. Prepared by the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency in Cooperation With the Northern California Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. City and County of San Francisco, CA. February 24, 1961. Available at

  12. Architectural Advisory Panel Evaluation Report. Diamond Heights, Red Rock Hill Competition. Prepared by the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency in Cooperation With the Northern California Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. City and County of San Francisco, CA. June 30, 1961. Available at  

  13. San Francisco Fire Department. Guardians of the City, Station 26. Available at Guardians of the City

  14. Brown M. San Francisco Modern Architecture and Landscape Design, 1935-1970. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service: Washington, D.C. September 30, 2010. Available at

  15. 1979 San Francisco Redevelopment Program. Summary of Project Data and Key Elements. San Francisco Redevelopment Agency. Available at

  16. Beverly Willis [images]. Available at the International Archive of Women in Architecture. Available at the Virginia Tech Imagebase

  17. Galli Jr, RF. The Heritage of Galli Builders. Available at Galli Heritage

  18. Diamond Heights Eichler Homes. Available at

  19. Parallel Movements, Oak Park, 1889-1890. Available at


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