About the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project
Our Mission
The neighborhoods of Glen Park, Glen Canyon, Sunnyside, Fairmount Heights, and Diamond Heights, located immediately south of Twin Peaks in San Francisco, have rich and diverse histories at risk of being forgotten with the passage of time and generations. The Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project works to rediscover our forgotten histories, document our living histories, and to share our histories with others to help preserve these histories for this and future generations.
Situated among the southern slopes of the San Francisco peninsular divide are found the neighborhoods of Glen Park, Sunnyside, Fairmount Heights, and Diamond Heights, as well as the 70 acres of open space called Glen Canyon. Each has its own rich history, with some post-European contact stories documented as early as the 1850s. Snapshots of history from the region have been published over the years by individuals. Yet, after 150 years, and unlike other neighborhoods in the City, a formal organization with the goals of rediscovering our forgotten histories, documenting our living histories, and sharing the histories of each of these neighborhoods had yet to be established.
Inspired by the efforts of other neighborhood history projects in San Francisco, the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project was organized in 2014. Most members are residents of our neighborhoods, but anyone is welcome to participate and join the project. Read more about why Founder Evelyn Rose, PharmD, started the GPNHP. We were very honored to receive the Walter G. Jebe, Sr. Neighborhood Award from the San Francisco History Association in 2016.
In 2017, the GPNHP achieved fiscal-sponsorship as an affiliate of Independent Arts & Media. We regretfully ended our fiscal sponsorship at the close of 2022. Therefore, we are no longer accepting financial support. We extend our deepest thanks to those in the community who supported us over the years! Founder Evelyn Rose will continue managing the GPNHP website and researching local history as an independent researcher.
Learn more about our local history! Check back as we continue to update our website with new posts! Unless otherwise noted, all content on this website was researched, developed, and copyrighted by Founder Evelyn Rose.

Bosworth and Diamond, toward Chenery. SF Public Library, AAB-3443.

From a Private Collector and Ken Hoegger.

Fairmount Hill, by Beverly Willis. From the Virginia Tech ImageBase. DIAM00031.

Bosworth and Diamond, toward Chenery. SF Public Library, AAB-3443.
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